You are interested in an event or a stay at Château Lavalade ? Do not hesitate to request for a quote, or to ask us any question you have. We will reply as soon as possible. Your full name (mandatory) Your email (mandatory) Your phone number Living place Type of event Private : WeddingBirthdayStayOther - specify : Professional (specify the type of event:) Association (specify the type of event:) I am interested in (1 or more choices) Reception place — Approximate number of attendees : Housing — Estimated number of people to house: Subject Your message Planed date of arrival Planed date of departure [cf7sr-simple-recaptcha] Les champs précédés du signe* doivent être renseignés. Bruno et Laurence de Larminat Château Lavalade 4048 Route de l’Aérodrome 82100 Castelsarrasin Tél :